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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Saying goodbye to an old friend...

I am saying goodbye to an old friend, we brought this with us from Irving (near Dallas for those who don't know where that is)... It's our original water tank, it is a 300 gallon white/translucent cube with a metal cage around it (if you know what these are called, leave a comment and let me know, thanks!).  We started out our life out here very much on the cheap, and this was about as inexpensive a way to store water as we could find. 

These containers are used for lots of different liquids in their first life, some are nasty chemicals that you don't want any part of, others are used for things meant for human consumption. Ours had been filled with Hawaiian punch concentrate, I honestly can't imagine 300 gallons of Hawaiian punch concentrate, but that's what the label said. Do you remember the commercials? How'd you like a nice Hawaiian punch? POW!

I remember when we first set it up and began using it, it gave our water a slightly fruity scent, not much of a flavor, but the scent of the punch flavor could be detected. That eventually went away, it wasn't a bad thing though...

Over the years we did upgrade and add to our water system, it's still very simple, but just much bigger storage capacity. We now have 2 large water tanks to carry us through, one is a black poly plastic tank, 1250 gallons, and the newest one is a tan colored poly tank that holds 1550 gallons of water, that one has a funny story.

One of my neighbor's had purchased it from a local hardware store, it had been damaged and had a hole in it, my neighbor got it for a really good price, he had the intentions of fixing the hole and using it. We all happened to be down by the road as my neighbor was driving by with that tank on a trailer, he stopped and talked to us about his great deal. We ended up buying it from him right there, it was a good deal for all of us.

PB fixed the hole and we are using it with no problems. It's located under one end of the SkyCastle, we had been pumping water from it to the small 300 gallon tank that was located under the porch. We had the smaller tank already plumbed and it was just easier to keep using it as it was, just transferring water from the bigger tank as we needed it.

Recently we decided it was time to (more) properly plumb the big tank and get the water we needed directly from the big tank. The smaller 300 gallon tank is going to a good home, it's going to PB's son who just purchased a property on the other side of the neighborhood. His property, much like ours when we first started out is raw land, no infrastructure at all. I'm sure he will probably invest in a larger water tank much sooner than we did, but until he does, he will use the one we relied on.

More about our evolving water system later, stay tuned! 

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