It's been H O T! Fortunately the humidity is typically low, right now it's 95 degrees F and 16% humidity, the wind is blowing so it's all good. I've been heating our dinners outside using the sun, I still don't have a proper solar oven, so I have been using a black roasting pan, it gets plenty hot. Yesterday heated a turkey and dressing meal (pre-made), these are supposed to be heated in a microwave, I had been heating these in boiling water (anyone remember boil-in-bag meals?). I took them and set them inside the black roasting pan and set it out in the sun, it gets toasty hot in about an hour. I wanted more dressing/stuffing, so I got some Stove Top, divided it between 2 plastic containers with lids, I added enough water, put the lids on them, shook them up and put them in the roasting pan too. Everything was hot and good.
Hmmm, let's see, what else has been happening... we ate dinner at our friends house the other night, I'll call him JB and her PB, they are a very nice couple. She made homemade spaghetti, she is a very good cook! They have lots of kids, started late in life, I can't imagine raising young kids now, our (respective) kids are grown and living their own lives (even having their own kids). Anyhoo, their kids are great, and quite unusual out here, there just aren't many kids living out here. Oh well... JB is helping us with some material, he has quite a spread with lots of stuff, some might call it a mini junk yard, but it's all good stuff, and he seems to know what he has and where it all is. We saw him today on our way to the mailbox, we saw him outside and stopped by to say HI, he is really a very nice guy.
Oh well, enough rambling for now... don't seem to have much to say. I'll try harder next time... :)
lornkanaga said...
Other than the occasional scorpion, life seems to be pretty good. Bless your neighbor with his "junkyard" as he sounds like someone who truly knows how to recycle (g).
lornkanaga said...
Oops. Forgot to ask something about your make-shift solar setup. Have you considered cutting three sides off of a box (leaving a bottom and two sides), then covering that with aluminum foil to increase the reflective heat generated for your pot?
I never thought of using a solar oven for microwave dinners! I kinda doubt it would work for microwave popcorn; too bad, as I love the BoyScout's Trail's-End popcorn.
Wretha said...
Thanks TheMajor'sLady, life is pretty good out here, the scorpions aren't really that bad, just gotta remember to check shoes and clothes before putting them on, and be careful where I am putting bare feet when I walk around the house, can't put bare feet in places where I can't see... ;)
I actually have a cardboard solar oven, it's under my bed right now, I need to get it back out and start using it, it's not as sturdy as one made of wood, but it does work, I don't know if my black roaster would fit in it though, I think I have a smaller one, somewhere...
lornkanaga said...
With a three-sided box, your roaster could hang out a bit and you'd still get loads of reflected heat. (Of course, don't take apart the one you already have.) Also, you could prop up two pieces of aluminum (if you have any left over from your roofing project).
Wretha said...
TheMajor'sLady, I did find my small roaster, gotta check to see if it fits in my cardboard solar oven... I think it should. I've been eyeballing all of my empty glass jars, those can be painted black (leaving a small vertical strip clear to see the food inside), those are great at heating foods like soups and such.
Other than the occasional scorpion, life seems to be pretty good. Bless your neighbor with his "junkyard" as he sounds like someone who truly knows how to recycle (g).
Oops. Forgot to ask something about your make-shift solar setup. Have you considered cutting three sides off of a box (leaving a bottom and two sides), then covering that with aluminum foil to increase the reflective heat generated for your pot?
ReplyDeleteI never thought of using a solar oven for microwave dinners! I kinda doubt it would work for microwave popcorn; too bad, as I love the BoyScout's Trail's-End popcorn.
Thanks TheMajor'sLady, life is pretty good out here, the scorpions aren't really that bad, just gotta remember to check shoes and clothes before putting them on, and be careful where I am putting bare feet when I walk around the house, can't put bare feet in places where I can't see... ;)
ReplyDeleteI actually have a cardboard solar oven, it's under my bed right now, I need to get it back out and start using it, it's not as sturdy as one made of wood, but it does work, I don't know if my black roaster would fit in it though, I think I have a smaller one, somewhere...
With a three-sided box, your roaster could hang out a bit and you'd still get loads of reflected heat. (Of course, don't take apart the one you already have.) Also, you could prop up two pieces of aluminum (if you have any left over from your roofing project).
TheMajor'sLady, I did find my small roaster, gotta check to see if it fits in my cardboard solar oven... I think it should. I've been eyeballing all of my empty glass jars, those can be painted black (leaving a small vertical strip clear to see the food inside), those are great at heating foods like soups and such.