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For now, I hope you enjoy this look, now I can focus more on posting messages and less on overhauling the blog. ;)
For what it's worth, this blog does look better in Firefox than Internet Explorer, don't know why but IE doesn't show rounded corners (when they are made using code (CSS) instead of images), if you are an avid IE user and do not want to use Firefox, that's OK too, the blog is still 100% readable in IE, it's purely an aesthetic thing.
Let me know what you think.
Thanks for visiting, I love comments (but not spam), you may leave anonymous comments (you do not need to sign up or sign in). I do moderate/approve each comment, if your comment doesn't show up within a day or so, try to leave it again, if you still have trouble, email me.
Anonymous said...
Much better! I was getting kicked off before. I don't know if it was the dial-up or what? I'm not super computer savy, but I should work on mine too. I've noticed other folks are jazzing up their blogs as well. I'm enjoying watching ya'll's progress on the homestead. Keep up the good job!
Wretha said...
Hi Kim, thanks for your response! So can I assume that it is working for you now and wasn't before?
ReplyDeleteMuch better! I was getting kicked off before. I don't know if it was the dial-up or what? I'm not super computer savy, but I should work on mine too. I've noticed other folks are jazzing up their blogs as well. I'm enjoying watching ya'll's progress on the homestead. Keep up the good job!
Hi Kim, thanks for your response! So can I assume that it is working for you now and wasn't before?
Cool! I like it. Any property for sale nearby? Heh heh .....
ReplyDeleteHmmm, land, uhhhh, ahhhh, what was the question again??? LOL Email me privately if you are serious.