Here are some pix of Pekoe, much the same way we consider our children, I think she is the cutest dog in the whole world, but that is how it's supposed to be :) I took these pix today, she is a very happy and fairly healthy dog, she just needs her teeth taken care of and she will have lots of years left in her.
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Wretha, that is a beautiful dog. We have 2 house dogs and think the world of them too. Glad to hear things are going well for her. I don't have a paypal account, sorry.
hello mommie. its your duaghter in law. i wanted to tell you love you lots and love the blog you posted. you are verry talented as well as bob. send him my love and your little one also. we miss you greatly and i cant wait till you come and see our home and our new addition to the family.miss may-lynn, you grand child. its going to be wierd to here mommie. i've been waiting for this day for a long time. now it's finally here.we love you all lots. thinking of you.have a great time out there. love april
ReplyDeleteThanks Scavenger, I think of her as my 4 legged furry baby, I'm sure you understand that... ;)
ReplyDeleteHi April!!! I'm glad you enjoyed reading the blog, love ya!!!