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Monday, October 20, 2008

Funny, that's all I can say, this is funny!

Remember the dancing baby and hamster dance of internet past? Well, now that I have put those images back into your head again (and you thought you had buried those deep, HA!) forget about them, now we have... the DANCING WALRUS

Hey, I had to do SOMETHING to pass the time until the sun came up...


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  1. I just came across your blog while looking for information on Yoders beef. I elected for a mountain top in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Georgia. Gave serious consideration to the SouthWest because I spent four years at the University of New Mexico and really liked it. I'm going to go back this evening and read through your blog, it looks interesting.

  2. Hey Hermit, thanks for dropping by and leaving comments, I appreciate it very much. Sounds like you have a pretty good setup too, I'll be emailing you to request a pass into your blog. :)


  3. Wretha, I'll gladly send you one.

  4. Hello. Found you thru Hermit. He and I exchange comments on our blogs and are both interested in remote places. I live on the high plains, 35 miles from the nearest town— at least some call it a town.

    But I am not "off the grid." Just a couple miles past the middle of nowhere and all alone with my dawgz.

    Would like to add you to my blogroll if that's OK with you. Mosey on over to mine and see if that would be OK.

    Best wishes!

  5. Rio Arriba

    Thanks for visiting and commenting, I appreciate it! And sure, add me to your blogroll, I am still checking out your blog, I did see that first picture, and WOW, what a view!


  6. Remarkable video. I didn't know that walrus's were so intelligent, but I don't around much. I wonder, though, if forcing an intelligent animal to listen to Michael Jackson might not be considered animal cruelty.


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