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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm Still Here!

Sorry if you came to my blog today or last night and found all of the messages gone, I am not leaving, I am not shutting this blog down. I don't know what happened, I didn't do it. :) I haven't been tweaking anything, I just logged in today and found my messages missing. Fortunately the messages weren't gone, they were just not showing. I tweaked the number of messages that show on the front page and the messages reappeared. I don't know what happened, but I'm glad it was an easy fix.

To read all of my messages on Off-Grid.net, click here:

To read all of my messages on Earth Power News, click here:


Thanks for visiting!


  1. I loved your post on bartering. That is how we got some of our animals. We traded work(mucking out barns) for sheep. We set an amount of time we cleaned for 5 sheep. Best thing we ever did. So far we have two lambs with another ewe ready to birth.

    We also cleaned and raked a pecan grove for the leaves to give to our animals...and then we were given 4 garbage cans of pecans!!!

    Thanks for your nice comments on my blog too. I am so glad to have been zipping around the internet, as I have *met* you!

  2. Thanks!!!! For posting your comment and the other stuff too! :)


  3. Hi Wretha! Did you recently upgrade to IE8? I did, and while editing my blog all the content disappeared!

    I had to use firefox to get it all back!

    So, it may be IE8 related. I ahve also had problems with my USB mice freezing up... Hmmmm...

  4. Selous Scout
    No I didn't change anything on my end, I use Firefox, my hubby uses IE, it wouldn't show up on either browser. The night before, everything looked fine, I had a message scheduled to post the following day, on that day when I looked at my blog, no messages were visible. If I clicked on a specific month or specific post, then it showed, but looking at the homepage of my blog, the messages didn't show. I changed the number of posts to show from 15 days (with posts) to 15 posts and everything went back to normal.

    Thanks though, I appreciate all the advice I can get. :)


  5. Hi Wretha! Glad you're keeping the blog up, I had issues with commenting on the other site. My dinosaur computer....


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