It doesn't show HOW they found my site, no search engine, no referrer, no keywords. I can see that they have a fast connection, but it seems they need to upgrade their computers, who still uses 800x600 resolution, they are also using an older version of IE, and Windows XP (though personally I prefer XP over Vista).
Has anyone else had a visit from the Dept of Energy on their blogs or website? If you, the person who came from the DOE, are reading this, would you mind commenting and let me know what brought you here? Perhaps it's a disgruntled government employee looking to learn how to get and live off grid. :)
To read all of my messages on Off-Grid.net, click here:
To read all of my messages on Earth Power News, click here:
Thanks for visiting!
Hi Wretha - Just curious. How do you get the visitor tracking data?
ReplyDeleteWretha, Very cool! The DOE could learn a thing or two (or ten) by learning about what you're accomplishing and how you're doing it.
ReplyDeleteConfessionsOfAnOverworkedMom I use extreme tracker, it's free, and best of all, it doesn't splatter your visitor's informstion all over the front page like Feedjit. Look at the bottom right side for the tracker and click on it.
I hope it's a cool thing, anything associated with a .gov makes me a bit nervous. Of course, like so many things in life, it's often not the ones you can see that are dangerous, it's the ones you DON'T see that you gotta watch out for...
anytime anyone from our corrupt government pays any attention to you it is bad.
ReplyDeleteOld Fart
I have had visitors from .gov locations though I can't remember which ones now...but more than one I remember. I just assumed that it was from folks who were bored at work just searching for stuff they like.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, yet scary. Time to pull off another sheet of Reynold's Wrap, heh heh heh......
ReplyDeletemore than likely a bored, over-paid civil servant eating his/her yucky bologna sandwich and surfing the net at lunch time. Still an infraction of government policy if visiting your site was not directed. Very curious. DOE could take notes on what you have accomplished.
ReplyDeletemy bad!!! Was over at Atlas Shrugs, a site that is being blocked by google for 'hate speech.' From the comments there it seems that some government employees are perhaps given some time to web surf. Wow, we would have lost our DOD positions if we had been caught noodling around on the internet. Was considered a serious infraction of policy....taxpayers money and all that you know.