I can’t believe it’s been a year since I received my Magic Jack, for those who don’t know about this device, it’s an internet phone service, they send you a USB memory stick with a few extras, you plug this into your computer and then you plug your telephone into the other end. After a bit of a setup (it’s pretty simple), you pick out a phone number and viola, you have phone service anywhere you have a broadband connection and a computer. Unfortunately MJ does not play well with satellite internet service, other than that, you should be good to go...
Read the rest of the story here:
http://www.off-grid.net/2009/04/21/my-magic-jack-its-been-a-year/To read all of my messages on Off-Grid.net, click here:
http://www.off-grid.net/section/wretha/To read all of my messages on Earth Power News, click here:
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Anonymous, sorry I couldn't post your comment, it seems just to be a slap to Magic Jack, I have no problem with people not liking a product, I do have a problem with your link to a site that ONLY shows the negatives, give me a link that shows all points of view, not just the dissatisfied consumer, there will ALWAYS be people who aren't happy with a product, no matter how well it performs. It seems that this particular site only wants to publish complaints and not from people who are satisfied with their products, that seems pretty one sided to me.
ReplyDeleteDo you even own a Magic Jack? If you have personally had a problem with your Magic Jack, then please write about it here, I'll post it, but I have no reason to post a link to a site that only publishes complaints about the Magic Jack.