OK, am I being paranoid now? I received a visit (on my other off grid blog) from none other than the Department of Homeland Security, or it was US Customs and Border Protection, when I looked up the "visitor", it gave me both. Go here to see a laundry list of the other nameservers being hosted under this same domain, it's some scary stuff.
I am completely at a loss about this visit, I am giving this visitor the benefit of the doubt that they are visiting for purely personal reasons (having nothing to do with their job) and I obscured the IP address, I still have a copy of the original image though containing the IP address.
I shouldn't feel strange about this, I'm doing nothing wrong or illegal, in fact, I'm doing what most people SHOULD be aiming toward, I'm shrinking my "carbon footprint", I'm using less of everything, I'm at virtually zero pollution... I stay close to home, I haven't purchased anything that would raise a red flag with any government agencies, I am trying to teach other people (if they are interested) how to live like we do, closer to the Earth... heck, I even filed my taxes even though I didn't have enough "income" to have to pay in, and what I did claim, was barter and I could have skipped putting that down as they would have had no way of knowing about it, but I went ahead and claimed it. Our current POTUS should be happy with what I am doing, I did some research on our current POTUS, and found this speech,
Keynote Address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention | July 27, 2004, this is an interesting excerpt from that speech:
That is the true genius of America, a faith in the simple dreams of its people, the insistence on small miracles. That we can tuck in our children at night and know they are fed and clothed and safe from harm. That we can say what we think, write what we think, without hearing a sudden knock on the door. That we can have an idea and start our own business without paying a bribe or hiring somebody's son. That we can participate in the political process without fear of retribution, and that our votes will he counted - or at least, most of the time
Let's hope he holds these same beliefs now that he holds the highest office.
I don't like feeling like I'm a criminal, or worse, when I have done nothing wrong, everything I do is 100% legal. Being a Conservative does not make me a criminal or threat to this nation.
I have more I'd like to say, but now I'm concerned about opening a can of worms and making myself an even bigger (potential) target.
So I don't know what to think about all of this, am I being paranoid?
I think I didn't make myself clear in my message, I don't think the government is "spying" on me, they have come to my site in the open, they haven't tried to disguise their visits. I fully realize that if they wanted to spy on me without my knowledge, they are fully capable of doing so, whether or not they are "spying" on me, this isn't what I'm concerned about.
Think about this, what if a car from the homeland security was parked outside your house and were openly looking at your house, I feel like most people would be disturbed by that, even though they have done nothing wrong, it would still make you wonder why they were there.
In the current political situation, with people being classified as potential domestic terrorists, their only crime is being a Conservative, Christian who listens to Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk shows, yeah I am a bit concerned when the Department of Homeland Security visits my site, am I on this list of potential domestic terrorists now?
Thanks for visiting!.