now the census bureau is visiting me, see the updated graphic
Some of you might think I'm being paranoid and picture me wearing a tinfoil hat, but after what has happened so far, I think I have a right to be concerned, WHY would any of these government agencies be visiting my site??? Here is a cut-n-paste from my tracker with all the information, the agency, where they came from (Mayberry, 2 of these came from your site...), the dates, times and such, and no, this time I am not obscuring the IP addresses. Click for a full size image.

I just don't know what to think about all of this, should I be afraid of MY government? Should I be fearful about a knock on my door? Why would the PTB be concerned about someone like me? I have done nothing wrong, I have exercised my RIGHT to free speech, I have been very quiet about my political views, preferring to post messages about my off grid life, does that make me an enemy of the state?
Thanks for visiting!
Wow now I'm curious. How do you track who visits your site?
ReplyDeleteIt's FREE, it's good, it saves the last 500 visits on EACH separate site, you can use one account for all of your sites/blogs, you can make it be invisible/private.
I don't think you have anything to worry about. Honestly, you haven't said anything that could get you in real trouble. I think it's just curiosity...well, except for the DHS one, but even so, you haven't said anything that is wrong. So far, we still had freedom of speech. lol
ReplyDeletemabe there surfin for ideas mabe even a gov. empoylee know the gigs up. or the fedaral goverment want to kill free speech like other countrys have. why would they fear independent inteligent people who respect our constition and only ask that our goverment govern with in its frame work. keep posting
ReplyDeleteSweetie....no worries, you will get hits from a lot of government agencies. I ran a site for years and got thousands of hit from Gov entities, i would dare to say all of them were just employees cruising the web on their time. Hell they prob need to learn about your lifestyle more then most being trapped in that bureaucratic nightmare ;-)
ReplyDeleteI am leaning towards Anonymous' explanation. As one gov guy checks your site out that person tells several of his/her friends and they check it out and so on.
ReplyDeleteIf you and Mountain Man Bob did not have a file on you, you can rest assured you do now. They have data on you that you have forgotten about.
Just tell MMB to lock and load all 5,000,000 of his AR15's (JUST KIDDING GOV GUYS)!! MMB is a lover and hard worker trying to make things comfortable for them in the desert.
Keep on blogging Wretha.
Thanks for the Stat counter link....WOW.
Can you block access to you site from these IP addresses?
ReplyDeleteSo people are reading about you through your blog!? Isn't that what you wanted? If you didn't you made a very big mistake.
ReplyDeleteHerbalpagan, I sure hope you're right.
Anon June 27, 2009 1:23 AM, I suspect "they" might be just collecting names right now, just in case...
Anon June 27, 2009 2:26 AM, I have gotten hits from gov sites before too, I looked upon them with amusement and even some pride, until now... I just hope I'm worrying about nothing.
TexasMan, I can't say exactly what MMB would do, he just wants to be left alone too. I'm not (planning on) going anywhere, I'll still be here blogging.
Dragon, no prob, hope it can do ya some good.
Anon June 28, 2009 3:15 PM, I wished I could, with Blogger my only options are be completely public, or make the blog private, with only those I allow in to have access, the latter one is not acceptable, I do not want to have to do that, though it's always an option.
Anon June 28, 2009 9:39 PM, yes, I do want PEOPLE to read my blog, it's a public thing, it's no mistake, what I don't want is to feel like I'm being "watched" by the powers that be, I guarantee you if the police or dept of homeland security were sitting outside your home on a regular basis, obviously and openly watching you, even if you had done NOTHING wrong, it would make you nervous, you would want to know why.
Sending you and MMB much love Wretha...kinda feel like a guppy in a fish bowl now, huh?
ReplyDeleteKeep your chin up chica!
Ozark Momma, more like a fish in a barrel. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, I will not let them get me down. (she says bravely)
Honey, I have been getting them for a loooong time.
ReplyDeleteEven the Sergeant of Arms of The U.S. Senate, several times.
NASA, BOEING, Several State governments, Alaska several times after I tore into that idiot Jindell and Sarah Palin.
City governments, County governments, the Washington Post is a regular visitor, on and on and on.
I know damn good and well there are several "Alphabet" agencies who stop by constantly.
I have one regular visitor from "That Area", who comes in with seven different IP addresses from the same location.
Two, three times a day for the last two years.
Statcounter can do some amazing things, like follow one individual visitor damn near to their doorstep.
The price we pay for speaking out.
Do not encourage violence against anyone and they really don't have much to go on.
They just put ya on their lists.
They watch but normally they don't say anything.
Have a nice day out there, you folks.
Bustednuckles, I understand, and I have gotten visits from the alphabet brigades in the past.
ReplyDeleteI certainly don't want to encourage violence, that is not my intent at all.
I seem to be on SOMEONE'S list, he or she came back on the 29th, I just hope it's a personally interested person and not an official visit.
Holy crap, how strange!
ReplyDeleteWell it looks like you are not so off the grid anymore. Maybe they think you are so crazy radical. They might as well get used to it. Others are attempting to do the same. I am one of them. I won't be able to go as far with it as you have but I am going to try really hard.
ReplyDeleteTell the government I said hello.
Wretha, guys and gals...
ReplyDeleteRelax! Those hits are absolutely normal. I have extensive and "deep" experience on how the internet works (its my work), and believe me, if the powersthatbe were monitoring you, you would NOT have any way whatsoever to know it. The would be recording your IP phone calls and the keystrokes in your keyboard and you would not have the slightest hint about it.
These hits are probably people in the different gov agencies, bored as hell, browsing the internet leisurely. They probably are as interested in getting away from it all as you are and are looking for people like you to learn how to do it. So, I really would not worry about it at all.
Do not let the isolation and the conspiracy theorists get the best of you. They are not after you!.
Besides, I do not worry about things I can't change...
Survival Chick, yup, that's what I thought...
ReplyDeleteCoco, I hope you get as far as you want toward an off grid life, it's worth every penny and every bit of time it takes to get here.
Texrican, I never said they were spying on me, they are doing it out in the open, I assume they are listening to my phone conversations, call me paranoid, but I pretty much always have...
I'm sure some of the visits are from bored employees, but the ones from DHS I would be willing to bet are not friendly visits, I do get lots of hits from many different gov agencies, they do not worry me, but the ones from DHS are worrisome. What would you think if the police (or other state authority) sat outside your home and obviously watched you several times a week, even if you were doing absolutely nothing wrong, eventually you would start wondering why they were there, what did they want. That is how I feel about this, they are visiting and reading my blog, they are visiting on a regular basis, up to and including daily, combine that with the letter I received from them, yes I am concerned as to what they want. I have done nothing wrong, but they can make my life a living Hell if they choose to, all in the name of "Homeland Security".
I would also suggest that this person from DHS, if in fact they are visiting for personal reasons, they have read my concerns, why don't they contact me privately and let me know who they are and what they want? Why not try to ease my mind? No, they just keep coming back with no explanation.