I just received this in my email today, it's a time sensitive offer, this looks like a great deal so I'm passing it on to you, I get nothing from it.
This link takes you to a page that has an offer for an almost free bottle of your choice of a great supplement, the reason I don't say it's free is because you do have to pay for S&H, but that's only $7.95 if you live in the USA, it's a bit higher for those beyond the border. I chose the oral chelation, it's normally about $30.00.
You can choose from:
Enhanced Oral Chelation
Super CoQ10
Alkaline Body Balance
BreatheFree™ Nasal Wash
Advanced D3 Plus
Advanced Blood Sugar Solution
DIM (promotes healthy hormone balance)
Ortho Balm™—The Muscle Pain ERASER
Any of these would run from $30 to $40 each, plus S&H. Jump on this now if you are interested, the offer ends at midnight tonight. I'll delete this tomorrow
Here is a copy of the email:
A Special Gift For You, Details February 6!
Try One of My Best-Selling Supplements FREE!
Dear Wretha,
You've been reading our e-newsletter Health News Weekly™, but I noticed you've never tried one of our products. So I'd like to give you a full 30-day supply FREE!
I'm convinced that once you try one of my quality supplements you'll feel so great, you'll become a future customer.
Getting your FREE product is as easy as A-B-C:
A: Select a product from the list of bestsellers below...
B: Pay $7.95* for the shipping...
C: Your FREE bottle will be on its way by the next business day!
Claim my FREE product!
Why this FREE Offer is different…
You can be assured, there's no catch, no small
print and no further obligation like so many
"free trial" offers you see online these days.
You have my solemn promise that you pay only
$7.95 to have your product shipped to you, you
will incur no additional monthly charges and you
will not be shipped any additional products. And
if you are in any way dissatisfied with what you
receive, I'll even refund the cost of shipping and
the free product will be yours to keep as my gift
to you.
What could be easier than that?!
But I must insist... one FREE bottle per
customer, please. Hurry, this offer turns into
a pumpkin at midnight, Sunday, Feb. 7.
Yours for a strong and sturdy body, full of vibrant

Layne Lowery
President, Health Resources™
Choose One FREE Bottle from the products below |
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* Free bottle offer applies to new customer orders placed online through our secure shopping cart accessed through this email only. Canadian orders will incur $12.95 Shipping and Handling. All other International orders will incur $24.95 Shipping and Handling.
Link not working? Copy & paste the following into your browser:

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