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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Recipe-Cream Of Soup Mix

Let's get back to some fun stuff, I found a great recipe for those "cream of" soups, we all make those caseroles that require a cream of soup, if you don't have a can on hand, or you want to try to save some money, try this recipe.

Dry Cream Of Soup Mix

2 C dry milk
3/4 C cornstarch
1/4 C dry chicken bouillon powder (you can substitute beef, vegetable, or other bouillon)

Mix all of this together, it's recommended that you use a food processor to make sure it's all mixed. Store in a sealed container.

Take 1/3 C dry mix, add 1 C water, mix well, cook in a sauce pan until thickened. This equals one can of soup.

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