I love surfing the internet, so you might wonder what websites and blog I read, here is a short list of what I look at everyday, or most everyday:
Of course the first thing I check is my email, though Gmail.com, the other pages that automatically open at the same time are http://www.blogger.com/home,
Google Adsense account (I recommend this if you have a blog, it doesn't make a lot of money, but every little bit helps), http://statcounter.com (this is how I know how many people visit my blogs),
and http://www.off-grid.net/, this is the other site I write for.
I also check the 2 social networking sites, Facebook and RTR, the second one is a conservative social networking site.
Next I work on earning money, I use a couple of Pay to Click sites, I used to belong to about 40 of them, but have narrowed my selections down to the few that actually have something for me to click on everyday, and those that actually pay, I've been paid by each of these companies multiple times.
Clicksense (This one is the only one I will pay to upgrade, it's worth the money because they have soooo many more clicks for upgraded members)
Hits4pay (this one gives you $10 just to sign up)
Dealsncash (this one gives you $5 to sign up)
I also check on my Amazon.com
I check the blogs I read, I don't read every blog everyday, I check though Blogger to see who has written something and if it catches my eye, then I click on the page and read. This is in
- http://lamarzulli.wordpress.com/ (a Christian view of UFOs and such)
- http://www.americanpreppersnetwork.com/
- http://selfrelianceadventures.blogspot.com/
- http://baconandeggs-scifichick.blogspot.com/ (hey, SciFi Chick writes here, need I say anything else?)
- http://circleoftheoroborous-dragon.blogspot.com/ (a patriot prepper)
- http://hermitjim.blogspot.com/ (the coffee is always hot and the company is always warm)
- http://www.completesurvivalist.prepperpodcast.com/
- http://rightojibwe.blogspot.com/ (a Native American view of life)
- http://cowgirlscountry.blogspot.com/ (great recipes)
- http://craftycountrymomma.blogspot.com/ (she is starting and living her dream, homesteading and being independent)
- http://www.thecrunchychicken.com/
- http://www.datelinezero.com/ (great headlines on current topics)
- http://dollarstorecrafts.com/ (super site for making super inexpensive (cheap) and cool things from the stuff you find in the dollar stores)
- http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com/ (Rhonda and Hano living in Australia, chickens ,gardening and lots of other things)
- http://frugalhomesteads.blogspot.com/ (homesteading, frugal and not just for hippies)
- http://gettinitpegged.com/ (a loom knitting site)
- http://gsiep.blogspot.com/ (Getting Started In Emergency Preparedness)
- http://greensurviving.blogspot.com/
- http://www.imadethatmyself.com/ (recipes and gardening)
- http://mayberry-keepitsimplestupid.blogspot.com/ (OMG, you have got to visit Mayberry if you don't know about him already!)
- http://lifeat6000feet.blogspot.com/ (a friend of mine, building an off grid home)
- http://livethemotto.blogspot.com/ (all about being prepared)
- http://meadowlarksnest.blogspot.com/ (just because...)
- http://mlinla.blogspot.com/ (fun jewelry crafts)
- http://modernsurvivalonline.com/ (all about survival in the modern day)
- http://newlifeonahomestead.com/ (homesteading, recipes and lots of other goodies)
- http://ornerybastard.blogspot.com/ (warning, lots of adult humor, cussing and gut wrenching laughter)
- http://patriotsagainstthenwo.blogspot.com/ (good prepping info)
- http://www.possumliving.com/ (prepping)
- http://preparednesspantry.blogspot.com/ (food storage, mostly dehydrated foods, recipes and tips)
- http://providence-acres.blogspot.com/ (growing food, recipes and crafts, good stuff)
- http://www.rednecksrevenge.org/ (adult language and humor, funny stuff)
- http://poormanguides.blogspot.com/ (DIY for the poor man, lots of good stuff there)
- http://selfevidenttruths-euripides.blogspot.com/ (common sense notes about life)
- http://www.selfsustainedliving.net/ (soap making, cheese making and other fun stuff)
- http://simple-green-frugal-co-op.blogspot.com/ (multiple writers here writing about recipes, prepping, gardening and such)
- http://sixbearsinthewoods.blogspot.com/
- http://selousscouts.blogspot.com/ (prepping and a great fiction story, worth the read!)
- http://stealthsurvival.blogspot.com/ (if you haven't read Riverwalkers site, you are in for a treat, great prepping site!)
- http://hannaqueen.blogspot.com/ (surviving and thriving on pennies)
- http://texaspreppersnetwork.blogspot.com/
- http://thecookshack.blogspot.com/ (a good old fashioned patriotic blog)
- http://thepathtobliss.blogspot.com/ (she is starting her off grid life)
- http://thefieldlab.blogspot.com/ (John Wells is living 100% off grid south of us, a daily writer and a great read)
- http://theshady80.blogspot.com/ (great off gridders, making their own solar panels too)
- http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/ (classic survivalist prepper site, written by Creekmore, a great site)
- http://tigermtnemprep.blogspot.com/ (food storage, prepping and great stuff)
- http://vansteaders.blogspot.com/ (homesteading on wheels)
- http://waldenonwheels.blogspot.com/ (more homesteading on wheels)
- http://yarnsoflife.blogspot.com/ (yarn, recipes and good stuff)
All written text from this blog are copyrighted and owned by Wretha unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved, You may download or copy for your own personal enjoyment, but please do not distribute without written permission. You may post a portion of this (or any) message from this blog on another site as long as you include a link back to this site and the original message.
Thanks for visiting!
Thanks so much for reading Vansteaders... and for all the other great sites you mentioned! I follow quite a few of them already, but you've given me many more to look at!
ReplyDeleteI blush that my humble little blog makes the roll when your juice is limited ; ) You might want to check out Brigid over at Home on the Range...
ReplyDeleteThanks Heidi, Vansteaders rules!
ReplyDeleteMayberry, humble my royal posterior! Hehehehe! I love reading your rants, your blog had to be included in my list. :)
Thank you so much for reading Dateline Zero! I'll try my best to make it worth the investment in power :)
ReplyDeleteYou are stronger than I am, that's for sure. You have my admiration.
- Dan
Thanks Lounge Daddy, I enjoy reading your articles, just keep posting the type of articles you have been posting and I'll keep reading... I don't know about how strong I am, quite frankly I think it much scarier to live in the cities, at the mercy of TPTB and the utility companies. :)
Your blog is always so full of info. I love the list of blogs you follow and what they write about. I'd love to read some of them as well. Now if only there were lots more hours in a day and why is is that our human bodies need soooo much sleep. Wish mine didn't.
ReplyDeletethanks for coming over and visiting my blog again.
peace n abundance,
ReplyDeleteSo when I click on the ink link or something from Amazon do you get paid just for that or would I need to buy that product for you to make any jing? I will be buying ink soon and I'll come through here to do it, but I was just wondering. thanks for your help
peace n abundance,
and you aren't very far from us here in northern New Mexico are you?
another question, I clicked on the WordLinx site and it said the Treasure Gift is referring me. Is that you? I'll wait until i hear back
Ok Ok now I'm getting buggy I know but I just found my blog site on your page, how sweet and I'm adding yours right now to mine too. thank you so much
Wretha, thanks for including me! I think you are one of the first blogs I started following and you are one of MY "have to read" blogs!!! And thanks for the list. I'm always looking for another good blog to read and there are several here I can't wait to check out!
ReplyDeleteCheyAnne, love your artwork! If you want to buy anything from Amazon.com, if you want me to get credit, then come to my blog first, click on ANY Amazon.com link, that will take you to Amazon.com, now you can buy anything on Amazon.com and I'll get the credit for that sale, I only get credit for sales, not clicks, thanks in advance!
ReplyDeleteYes, I am TreasureGift.
Nope, you're not buggy at all, LOL!
SciFiChick, of course I added you, I love reading your stuff, and thanks for being a long time follower/reader. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking of starting up another blog to add ads too and so I;m doing all my research before I just jump in. Your blog is so full of great info and tips and know-hows.
peace n abundance,