I did forget one ingredient, I usually add some type of fat, usually olive oil or some other oil, but it didn't matter, they turned out tasty without the additional fat. Once I was ready for church, I turned off the heat and let them sit for a few minutes, I didn't have time to allow them to de-pressurize on their own, so carefully using a pair of tongs, I removed the rocker and let it de-pressurize that way.
Once it was safe to do so, I opened it and added salt, you never salt beans while they are cooking, it is supposed to make them tough. I tasted them and deemed them edible... :)
I decided I wanted them a bit thicker so I took a potato masher and mashed the beans until they were slightly thickened, I left most of the beans whole, I didn't want refried beans. Well, I had made so much, and there was so much food at church that I was able to bring home enough for PB and I to eat them last night and again for lunch today, we just finished it off.
This recipe is so easy, and it turns out very tasty without having to use a ham hock or some other meat for flavoring, the beef stock and onions in the soup really add a great flavor. I have been known to just use canned beef stock if I was out of the French onion soup, if I do that, I will usually add a diced onion.
It's a 6 quart, I have used a 4 quart and it's just not big enough, you can put an entire chicken in the 6 quart (a small to medium chicken, not a monster). There is an 8 quart, but just for PB and I that would be too big for daily use. Of course they have the larger ones for canning, but I'm talking about regular cooking.
I have found Amazon to be the cheapest for buying these, I see these in the stores for $70-$90, if you can find them locally cheaper, then by all means get one locally, but chances are you will not find a better price, oh and it has free shipping too (as of the time I posted this).
Beans beans, the musical fruit
the more you eat, the more you toot
the more you toot, the better you feel
lets have beans for every meal...
Sorry, couldn't help myself :)
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