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Monday, June 11, 2012

Bad News, Good News...

Warning, if bodily functions bother you, offend you or otherwise make you squeemish, then you might want to skip this post... Ye have been warned!

A couple of things going on, first I am discovering that my body doesn't like 100 mcg of selenium per day, that's what is in 3 drops of a liquid form made by BodyBio, I got it because I know that selenium is one of the cancer fighting supplements. Gotta be careful with selenium, from what I have read, one can take up to 400 mcg per day safely, I figured 100 mcg would be a breeze... NOT. Apparently my body decides to have lower bowel issues when I take that dose, at least that is what happened the 2 times I did take it. The first time, I barely, and I do mean barely made it to a bathroom, I normally don't have that sort of trouble, it's usually the other way around, I have to convince it to exit my body... not this time, there was rather painful gas and shortly after, well lets just say I'm nicely cleaned out now, glad no one was within visual, aural or olfactory range.

Being who I am, I needed to know if that was a one-off, coincidence... I waited a couple of days and did another 3 drop dose first thing in the morning... same results by the afternoon, painful, extremely uncomfortable gas, and again, barely made it to the bathroom.

So, I'm sitting here looking at this full bottle of selenium, still wanting to take it, so I'll try doing one drop and see how things progress from there, if one drop does the same thing to me, I suppose I'll stop using selenium and look for another anti-cancer product.

Now that you have had the TMI from my blog, this is the good news part, I won! I won a couple of first aid books from Pete over at http://patriotsagainstthenwo.blogspot.com, if you haven't visited his site, or it's been a while, then hop on over, there is always something interesting and... hmmm what do you get when you add scary and educational? Sceducational? Pete and I shot a couple of emails back and forth and we both feel like things are getting bad here in the good ol' USA, I feel like I'm in a safe place, at least safer than in the city if/when TSHTF. I rely on my faith and my knowledge of what is written in the Bible, if you aren't familiar, you should get that way, I fully believe we are in the end times and this is going to be a bumpy ride. I'm not too worried though, I've read the "end of the Book" and I know which side wins. :)

To any non or unbelievers, don't bother trying to convince me otherwise, I'm a lost cause as far as you are concerned, and quite happily so, NOTHING you can say or do will/can change that.

If you would like to learn about some of the things I've been currently studying, just go to YouTube and look up Chuck Missler, you can also insert the terms "end times" or "learn the Bible in 24 hours", I am absolutely fascinated by what I've been learning.

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Thanks for visiting!


  1. "Selenium should always be taken with vitamins E, A and beta-carotene, and it is preferable when taking a supplement to take selenium in the form of selenocysteine or selenomethionine, which are both organic." http://www.anyvitamins.com/selenium-info.htm

    Didn't know if you knew this. Animal supplements usually at least have vit e.

    1. Hey off grid mama, no I didn't know that, I did take it at the same time I took an Emergenc-e packet (joint health formula), which after reading the label, has only one of the supplements you listed :( beta carotene, it doesn't say how much is in there either, it's listed with the "other ingredients"... I'll check their website and try to find out how much is in there.

      I'll check the link you gave, thanks so much!

      I haven't tried taking the selenium again, my internals are still slightly off center, not sure if it's related to the selenium or not, at this point I'm thinking not because of the time that has gone by since taking that second and last dose, but it is still a possibility. At any rate, I'm not adding the selenium back in any form or with any other supplement until my internals are back in line.


  2. It's possible you need to deworm. As crazy as it sounds humans carry the most parasites in the animal kingdom. The selenium may be creating a purge reflex. Not sure on that one. Consider cleansing your systems first. You'll need to change your diet and use appropriate supplements. And do one system at a time.

    We dose our cattle with selenium E if they aren't shedding their hair well and as a preventative for retained placentas.

    1. off grid mama, I am definitely all for making one change at a time, funny you should mention worms, we have a new dog, and we have been having a rash of those bottle nose beetles, aka kissing bugs, we caught a third one inside the sky castle tonight, pretty sure we have been bitten. I checked with the local medico's and they say there haven't been any cases of chagas in the ares, BUT it is not required to be reported in Texas, and it's such a long incubating type of parasite, well it's something I'm thinking strongly about.


  3. Selenium poisoning is different than what you described.. your body is trying to cleanse something. Maybe you need to consider cleansing your systems? A little more gently than what you described. :)

    1. It's been a number of years since I've done a real cleanse, I did the P&B cleanse, bentonite clay and psyllium, after 2 weeks, well lets just say there was a perfect cast of my intestines coming out, looked and felt like black rubber.


  4. Hey Wretha drop me email please,also Im on a fruit kick and veggie thing and Ive only been doing it for a week.I can already feel my energy level coming up.I'm not really sure about taking supplements of vitamins or any minerals. But its something to look into. If I have a problem a bottle of prune juice works lol


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