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Saturday, January 15, 2022

First sick of 2022

Dang I hate being sick, I've managed to not get sick for almost two years, I've had little scratchy throat here and there a couple of times, but not a full out, full blown sick. Well that all changed this week I've basically been in bed since Monday, it did go to work on Thursday, only because I have pretty much had no choice, I had one day's worth of work to do and all my stores, had to get done this week, so I got up washed my face, put up a big girl britches and went to work. It just about kicked my butt, but I'm glad I got it done, I'm sure the companies I work for also glad I got it done.

I'm also glad it was this week, and not happening anytime in the near future, the kind of work I do, I'm about to get real busy, it's reset season. This is actually my slowest week, something I normally wouldn't enjoy, but this week I'm eternally grateful. 

So what do I attribute to my extended health for almost 2 years? Well I started doing a thing called intermittent fasting almost 2 years ago now, unless you've been living under a rock I'm sure you've heard of it, I basically eat once a day, I don't restrict what I eat or how much I eat, one can only eat so much in one setting so there's pretty much no way I can over eat, I just restrict the time that I eat.

I won't go into any detail right now about intermittent fasting it's easy enough to look up, I suggest looking up Gin Stephens, I like her method. 

Anyhoo, all week has been me basically in bed, not doing much, PB has been hiding, he does not want to get sick and I don't blame him. Fortunately the weather's been pretty mild, PB is pretty typically in charge of building fires to keep us warm, only been one night that it's gotten really cold down into the 20s... and I have really good sleeping gear, my favorite part of it, is a king size 100% down comforter, I have it folded in half on my bed and I use it kind of like a sleeping bag, it can get cold in this room like down in the 20's and 30's on the inside, and I'm still toasty warm inside this down burrito. Right now it's 54 degrees inside the room, no fire in the wood stove, I just don't need it. 

I try to hide out when I get sick, I know are animals do that too, I just don't know why people do it, but I do it, a few people around me are starting to find out that I've been sick, very sweet friend and neighbor found out I was sick today and message me to ask me if I wanted some homemade chicken noodle soup. I happen to know this lady is a really good cook, and anything that she would bring over would be very tasty, and yet my knee-jerk reaction was to say no thank you I'm fine. I even started writing that in the message, and then deleted most of it before I sent it, I graciously accepted her offer, besides the fact that I know it's going to be really good, I also know how good it is to give and receive hospitality and kindness, and I need to get better at the receiving part, LOL. 

So the few people who do know that I'm sick, very first question that they have for me, is what is it? They want to know if it's the thing that's all in the news, and I don't believe it is, whatever this is it's been very mild, mostly scratchy throat, I've had a fever a couple of times that I felt, and a whole lot of being tired. In the past I've gotten sick oh maybe once or twice a year, and it almost always has to do with coughing sore throat that kind of thing, are pretty typically get over it pretty fast, I guess this is just making up for me not being sick for a couple of years. If you do wish to comment about this, please do not use the "C" word, it's not what I have, and I don't want that word floating around on this blog, thank you.

So I hope everybody's January has been going well, I know I have some people still reading this, leave me a comment say hi, let me know how everything's doing. Thanks for reading!

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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!!! 2022 is finally here, woot! Hope you had a great weekend, today I spent a great deal of time with an old friend, well she isn't "old", just someone I've known for many years, I am so excited, she and her husband bought the house next to me. It's always a scary thing to have the house/property right next to you on the market, you just don't know who might end up living next to you. I was thrilled to find out that the house sold to a friend.

Today she came out to look at the house in detail, she had been inside of it many MANY years ago when it belonged to my good friend and neighbor Glen, she had since moved away from the neighborhood, I kept in contact with her but didn't see her or talk to her as often as I did when she lived out here.

The property on the other side of me had also been put up for sale last year, fortunately for us my brother in law bought it, so I'm happy to know (trust and like) my neighbors on both sides.


It's been quite warm, and breezy these last few weeks, but tonight there is a major cold front moving in, the temps are dropping, it even snowed/sleeted a tiny bit, I could hear it hitting the roof, I went outside to check it out, I could see stars in the sky, I still don't know where that moisture was coming from, I don't expect to see white in the morning, it's just going to be cold, supposed to get down in the mid teens. I can still hear the wind blowing, that's supposed to let up overnight, that's a good thing, we can build a fire to warm the house in the morning before church. It's hard to have a fire in the woodstove when it's really windy, it pushes the smoke back into the house.

I drained all the outside pipes, there isn't much to drain, our system is still pretty small, but it's important to get it done if it's going to really freeze overnight, which it is. I also drain the washing machine, the front of the machine has been removed and PB installed a drain so that the water that would sit in the bottom parts can be drained, it's typically less than a half gallon of liquid, but it's enough to cause trouble if it freezes. The washer is sitting out in an enclosed but unheated space, it's protected from the weather, but is subject to the outside temps.

I also drain the water line that goes to the washing machine, next I drain the shower, and if it's going to get really REALLY cold, I drain the inside water lines. Our system is pretty small and simple, but ingenious, it can drain back into the water tank without losing a drop of water, then the pump inside the house can pull the water back into the inside system in around 30 seconds.

Again, I hope you have a good weekend and I wish you a wonderful, peaceful, happy and prosperous New Year for 2022!

All written text from this blog are copyrighted and owned by Wretha unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved, You may download or copy for your own personal enjoyment, but please do not distribute without written permission. You may post a portion of this (or any) message from this blog on another site as long as you include a link back to this site and the original message.


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