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Monday, May 23, 2022

The calm before the storm

This week is literally the calm before the storm... It's about to be rainy season, something that officially begins late June-early July, but overnight we have been having the promise of rain, I've heard a few sprinkles and seen some lightening flashes, it's supposed to rain later today and I think it's actually going to happen. We really REALLY need this rain, I'm hoping it's just a nice rain and not a gully washer. I do have to go to work in a few hours, it's going to be a long day, I plan on working 2, possibly 3 stores today. The reason I'm working so many stores (typically I spend one day a week in one store) is because of what I have going on the rest of the week...

I have a funeral to attend mid-week, a good friend, someone we have known and loved since moving to our community in 2007. As the music director of my church, I'm involved in the music part of the service, I sat down yesterday after church with the pastor's wife and the family of the deceased to work out the order of service and what songs they want. That was when I realized that I needed to seriously cut my work week short. Fortunately I am able to do that, I have a fairly light week anyhow, I just need to have my boss move one big job to next week, it's no big deal.

The following day (Thursday) we have family coming out for a visit, I'll remain vague about who it is until after they go home. It's going to be an exciting visit though, it's basically going to be a long weekend with them going home on Monday,

My house is getting full, the little SkyCastle, PB's brother has purchased the property to the west of us, he is working on getting his place setup for him to live there. And just recently, PB's grown son moved out here, he is in the process of buying a property out here as well, it's a little farther away but still in the neighborhood. He is converting a cargo trailer into a tiny house, he's been staying in that at the bottom of our property until his property closes. I am so happy to be getting more and more of our family moving out here, I enjoy having them closeby. 

I hope your week is going well, I must get ready for work now, have a blessed week!

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